Smart telescopes are another way to get free black nuclei in Tower of Fantasy, but they are not considered the progress of the region, so they are completely optional. However, finding these smart telescopes may not be easy. The game clearly does not want to simplify the Black Nucleus farm. 1ul. Smart telescope 2nd Smart Telescope 3rd smart telescope 1ul. Smart telescope 2nd Smart Telescope 3rd smart telescope 4th Smart Telescope 1ul. Smart telescope 2nd Smart Telescope 3rd smart telescope 4th Smart Telescope The location of the smart telescope Tower of Fantasy links to the constellation of the region Navia links to Crown Mines links to the constellation Warren Snowfield The location of the smart telescope Tower of Fantasy This leadership will give information about where you can find all smart telescopes for each region in Tower of Fantasy, and will help you align these constellations. Just connect the constellations in the order we specified, and you will get your black core. lin...